Motherhood as a Spiritual Discipline

As a mother with three young children I heard the message over and over again: if you’re serious about your spiritual life, you’ll find some silent alone time each day for a “quiet time.” But I couldn’t even escape to the bathroom alone, much less anything else. One after another, my fellow moms sounded the cry of defeat: We just can’t right now.

But another cry began growing in my exhausted spirit: There must be another way.

After all, God created birth, babies, and families. He knows exactly what they demand from us. And more than that, he entered this world as a baby himself! He entered a woman’s womb and was born. Isn’t it entirely possible that in these days of creation, nurture, service, sacrifice, celebration, and perseverance we are acting out powerful spiritual practices in our daily lives?

It was in seeking out an answer to this question that Long Days of Small Things: Motherhood as a Spiritual Discipline was born.

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Catherine’s words are nothing short of a banquet table of nourishment for a hungry mama’s soul. Read and be seen, feel valued, and awaken to the beautiful, spiritual practice of motherhood.

Aubrey Sampson

Author of The Louder Song

Here’s a book for every Christian parent forced to smile through an exhortation to “enjoy every moment; it’s all over so fast!” Catherine McNiel doesn’t urge you to “make time for God” in early parenting but rather to see God there already: in the trial, in the joy, in the leaky diapers, plugged ducts, and scraped knees. 

Ted Olsen

Editor, Christianity Today

Motherhood is about the sculpting of souls, and Catherine McNiel hands you desperately needed tools. Not only for the formation of your family―but for your own soul. Let God do a holy, needful work through the pages you hold in your hands.

Ann Voskamp

NYT Best-Selling Author

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